This VN is the first audio VN I have experienced, and I think it is a highlight. But in the subsequent experience, I found that it also has an obvious drawback, which is that for long conversations, I often finish reading but the other person hasn't finished speaking. As a result, I watched many conversations without waiting for the other person to finish speaking. But this seems a bit disrespectful to the character.
I think in order to reduce costs and improve the reader experience, it is better to only record the first few key sentences in the conversation and highlight exclamation , rather than recording all sentences. Otherwise, the quickly reading advantage of VN will be compromised.
【about Dialogue and Interaction】
The dialogue style between the MC(Delta) and other characters is not the same: others' sentences are with quotes, while MC's often in a third perspective like "I told the other person what I said", rather than directly using quotes to indicate what the MC said. Using this style of dialogue makes me detached to the MC, and I feel confused because it's hard to distinguish between my inner thoughts and the thoughts I have expressed. Also, the interaction between characters is often dominated by dialogue, lacking an appropriate portion of description of actions and events.
【About Character Shaping】--Spoiler--
Apart from the main six roles, the counselor and Argus leader, there are no other people's image displays. It seems that the life circle of the MC is so concentrated, and other roles have no image.
Among them, I am most satisfied with the counselor, and conversations with him always make me feel relaxed. But with others, I always feel that their lives seems to have nothing to do with me, except when they interact with me intimately.
Breaking down the plot into fragments of 'pivotal', 'heart to heart', and 'supplementary' seems odd to me. A good narrative should integrate the shaping of characters into whole events and discussions, and the fragmental dialogues all feel too short to have substantive results.
Also, many fragments are just showing how characters bicker with each other, and sometimes even accelerating to certain themes to help readers summarize. I think this weakens readers' freedom of interpretation.
【about Music and Illustrations】
Many scenes are obviously with serious discussions or urgent plots, but the use of inappropriate music, such as overly relaxed music right before the Day, hardly gives me the sense of urgency or the upcoming danger.
Though, the credits ending song "Flashback", created by Klace, is great and can make players feel like they have experienced a lot.
The entire game is a reflection of a "revolution" for future people. So, it seems that from this perspective, no matter how difficult and dangerous the past may have been, it will eventually become agreeble? But this makes me feel not right in those moments.
Many pivotal scenes lack CG, and as a high priced VN, I am disappointed with this: the background stories of the main characters do not have any CGs, and there is no CG before and after the success of the revolution. There are also no corresponding illustrations when describing and introducing the history of Argus, leaving all this to reader's imagination.
For example, to understand how Issac, as a revolutionary, has put in a lot of effort, but there has been none illustration showing how he specifically grew into a rebel. All his story simply relys on a few dialogues of his description. Perhaps this is due to the setting of the VN, as all of these are memories of MC, so there won't be any other background stories interspersed? And considering that the stories narrated by others may contain subjective concealment elements, the author hopes that we can remain vigilant?
Regardless of the author's considerations, the lack of key plot CG and illustrations of other timeline's background weakens the VN's sense of moment and empathy with the characters.
【about the storyline】-- Spoiler--
When faced with danger, I cannot understand why the main characters can still relax and have fun, parties, and drinks. Since they were a team, they could have done some division of labor of their mission, like information gathering. But in the end, Issac was able to easily topple Argus down alone, and the whole job was almost entirely operated by Issac, which seems way TOO EASY. I think others (including MC) were very passive in the final plot, and their roles were shown almost only after Issac was injured.
I do not reject stories of individual heroism, but I think the author didn't tell it well. The part of conflicts between Issac and Argus is too short, and I thought Argus would fight back more but there's almost none before the Day. It is obvious that Issac did not gather a group of "accomplice" with firm revolutionary beliefs. He had a wishful thinking - he wanted to maintain friendship outside the revolutionary circle and also wanted the revolution to succeed. His sudden idea of 'letting his friends in his rebel plan' may actually make him fail both wishes.
The final plot, discussing how to handle the stolen Argus confidential data, did not explain why there were no pursuers. And the key logical issue is that : Since they have already bluffed to Argus' people that 'they have already transmitted the data to Cipher's headquarters', which makes Argus have enough reason to pursue Isaac and others , why destroying the only hard drive? Wouldn't they lose the only bargaining chip should things go south?
Being afraid of data leak out of fear of possible future vision punishment is a lack of confidence in their sense of justice for their actions.
As Klace said, revealing secrets in Argus's data may even solve the Komorebi mystery! Moreover, these people have already exposed their identities and the hacking process has been live streamed. It's better to go all out to the end!
Perhaps this is the price that Issac needs to pay. Since he cares more about the sense of belonging of his friends around him THAN about the complete success of the revolution.
【 About Background Setting】-- Spoiler --
I have to admit, one big attraction of this work to me is that it doesn't require me to comply with monogamy.
The setting that most people have visions of their possible futures, but the MC doesn't have one.
But later on, it was mentioned that in order to control people's panic, The System that monitors and manages people's lives and the large group Argus that controls it emerged. I feel that this causality is weak! If there could be more explanation, the credibility may be higher.
Another theme worth reading is "equality": those who are not in cities managed by the Argus are called "Zeros", and they cannot enjoy the status treatment of residents in the city. The description of the change of the MCs' attitude towards them is good, which deserves credits.
I got it when launched they had 1st chapter for free in Itch. I really like the story because did me think of society and others things.
A pity they removed the demo. I wouldn't never thought about buy it if I didn't played it from here, since Minor\Major did me feel sad. In other way that was 1st furry visual novel launched in Google Play store years ago.
Just got Winds of Change in 80% sale there anyway right now.
This game is very good, you guys truly know how to make someone become attached to characters they've only known for a day at best, I never thought this game would make me feel so many things all at once.
Even though romance isn't too prevalent in the story, it's was still worth playing :D
P.S: I really liked the song "flashback" at the end, I'm gonna play it over and over for WEEKS.
I think maybe there could be some improvements when it comes to the main characters involvement in the story, to be honest I didn't feel like Delta was important to the story. It felt like we were simply watching what the others were doing, and not really contributing too much.
Hi, so after playing through the game I thought I’d leave a review of my honest thoughts.
*SPOILERS* + a long review :)
I can say that the personalities and art of the characters are incredible, I loved each and every one of them for different reasons, seeing them interact at times was awesome and it felt like they really were a group of close knit friends.
However, saying that… it felt like our character ‘Delta’ wasn’t apart of that group. Aside from a few plot points that was automatically made… our character is completely irrelevant, for pretty much the majority of the story we’re kind of just… there, listening to the others with the occasional choice option to reply to an offhanded comment. It becomes especially noticeable when there’s entire “fragments” (scenes / episodes etc) where our MC isn’t even mentioned, so by part three it becomes hard to feel attached to Delta, and by extension the story as a whole.
A further issue is Klace, who, as a stand alone character is great, I genuinely adore him. But when compared with our character… it quickly feels like *he* is the main character, not us. Similar to us, they are new to the “group” and have just moved in, and yet… within a single week they’ve interacted with the group more than our character does in maybe the entire game, they quickly establish themselves, there background and much more (which we seem to never do?) and even sleep with one of the other characters, as the story progressed it really does reinforce the idea that “Delta” is just a background character.
(As I’m writing this I’m realising our character… rarely explains *anything* about ourselves to the group other than vague descriptions, we’re practically a silent stranger)
My last issue, The Romance.
I’ll say it bluntly, the Romance is extremely lacking, but *only* if you decide to be monogamous, which quickly shows that either intentionally or not… our character is supposed to be in a poly with at-least two or more other characters.
There are four different parts with 20+ different “fragments” and yet… unless in a poly relationship your romance scenes with a single person boil down to maybe an added “40” lines of dialogue per part. For example; ‘Isaac’, you can date him almost immediately and yet you can finish part two with only a handful of additional scenes from the normal story, it’s rarely brought up by other characters and only seems to be “added on” to the normal story scenes.
With the way the characters consistently flirt with each other, talk about how ‘free’ you are or how they want to date others *while* you’re already dating *and* even sleep with each-other… it very quickly shows how “pushed” you are to make Delta polyamorous, I really think that it could have been fixed with just a few additional lines of dialogue here and there actually acknowledging you’re dating / starting a relationship with specific people, *Especially* at times when your “RO” is flirting or entertaining the idea of dating others / having sex with other, again for example Isaac and Klace, they have an entire “Boyfriend / Sugardaddy” joke and admit to sleeping with the other characters yet our MC doesn’t even have a *passing* thought about it, and this is a running theme with all romances.
All in all, I think others will (and do!) love this! I will always have a soft spot for Isaac and Kyron (Kicking my feet fr) However, for the things I’ve outlined I feel like this wasn’t something Ive enjoyed, I am VERY happy to have read it and supported the creator, I will always love VN’s, and thoroughly enjoyed other works by the same creator ❤️
Claim what you want, but your inability to let things go is what has kept this going. And you have no care for who drag through the mud with you. At this point you mat never be able to shake me. You know what you have done. You know you have broken things beyond repair. You know you have turned your back on the very messages of Komorebi. You know you have betrayed even yourself. You know you area coward. Here I stand, I stand up for myself, while all you do is hide. I hate sniveling cowards.
There can be no peace because you do not want peace. No admit it you want me to hate you. You see me as nothing but a toy for your own amusement.
Another question is, how long do want to keep this going? How much spite do you have? How lost are you in yourself?
The fact that I am getting any sort of response is what lets me know I am hitting my mark. The fact that you would disagree with even praise, let alone dare to make death threats, tells me you are someone who can't be trusted to honest at all.
I pride myself on being open and giving my thoughts. My opinions do not make me correct, but repeated observations stand to incline me to believe I am correct.
You do not believe in middle ground, you do not believe in apologies, you do not believe in letting things go, you do not believe in rules, laws, or regulations. To you all that matters is yourself.
The fact that you are willing to deface even Klace's music is what tells me you have no care nor comprehension for your actions. And I thought you claim to a degree in literature? So disappointing that you lack the ability to take a step back.
Round and round it seems we shall go, when we stop..., only you have the key.
Ayo bro calm down, I have just witnessed 15 long message with a deep meaning plus some insult... some, and lastly when did you last time cook? No wait the main question is what is going on?! What did I actually miss here?!!
Those who feel threatened make threats Those who are unhappy make others unhappy Those who are irrational care not about who they hurt, nor consequences of their actions Those who fear judgement are first to judge others
Toxic behavior is only ever endorsed or ignored by toxic supporters
Rather than be civil, they seek to shun others just cause, for they refuse to listen to reason and go off half cocked
And when you have a situation that is refused to be resolved, it will start to bleed everywhere
Even the smallest of wounds left unattended can be left to get infected, fester, and rot, and then it is everywhere.
In the initial event I apologized, they didn't care, I sought to drop it, they refused to drop it, I informed them that they are acting like the very stereotype that plagues the internet, they didn't care, they then gone out of their way to ruin the good names of several places through acts of cowardice, rather than address issues head on. What you see is nothing more than an endless struggle because they continue to perform their actions unimpeded, claiming themselves as the victim. Yet they are the ones going around and dragging the outside drama with them. Forcing their way into places and positions of power just to laugh at the thought of being able to deny others access just because they feel like it.
They continue to feel threatened, because they refuse to drop it, to let it go. Because they won't let it go, I am strung along with it. They hold the key but they snapped it in half.
When one wonders where hate spreads from, it comes from actions, repeated senseless actions. This induvial is only one of many I have seen over the years, of their given identity type alone, that behaves in this manner. I have met several others online with similar dreadful interactions with such people. I have had family accused of things that have nothing to deal with who they are. Transgenders seem to seek to use their own identifier as a weapon, a bludgeoning weapon, to repeated smack any and all who dare to defy them, and they then sick their posses on them. This is an act of gang violence/mentality, when their own followers do not have the ability to think for themselves.
This is also the same mentality of many a Republican, who follow and believe things they are told without question of hesitation. It is ironic to have two opposing sides to behave in the exact same manner. Because of that, no progress can EVER be made that has meaning. It only ever stands to bleed further everywhere. There is no sense of calm or control.
People only ever see and judge based on symptoms and judging things by their cover. If both sides can't agree to a ceasefire, there will NEVER be a ceasefire.
I would rather approach things with fairness and kindness, but people seem to enjoy brutally murdering common decency. And then go and seek to blame their own behavior on everyone else. I've sought and asked for help to put an end to this situation for MONTHS. But no one cares. Because no one cares for such extended period of time. I have no reason left to give a damn what anyone else thinks. All you are left is a situation continuing to spiral out of control without end. It is maddening and sickening. And at his point it is simply being made known just how much without care or caution. It is a vertebral river of blood. And that is what these sorts of people seem to love and crave.
With lacking of impulse control or restraint, even my patience has been worn to shreds. Things have progressed to a point where the damage may NEVER be able to be healed. Such damage has their actions gone to tarnish my thoughts of many others. This discord is their lifeblood, to create an unending drama.
Whatever message your trying to deliver isn't going through.
It would be more productive of you to go outside and touch some grass, maybe take your rants to reddit where you basement dwellers can duke it out for people to watch and enjoy your shit show, yeah?
I mean as fun as it is watching a train wreak, this is kinda pitiful to watch too.
I think a-lot of people would appreciate it if you went through a few of your comments and removed them? As it is now you've made 7...? (or more) comments that have pushed other genuine reviews further down, it's really quite rude to both other fans and the author since you're seemingly just using the top comments to rant to yourself.
How many people have you know personally who have died? Almost died? Been the victim of neglect or abuse?
How many people out there have you not met yet, that you wish you could have met?
How many people do you truly value or treasure?
In all cases was there something you could have done to help prevent it?
The answer is always yes, because the question is not asking for a guarantee. There is ALWAYS something to be done to prevent things.
Yet many of us go forth blindly to blame others for own neglect and lack of awareness for the world around us. Lack of consideration for the time and value we try to invest into things and into others. Lack of respect for how our actions make others feel or how it makes us think of how we view others.
What good does it do anyone to force our will onto others just because of petty disagreements? To refuse to let go of something and in turn to hold ourselves and others back? To refuse to listen and take heed, but rather fixate on one little thing like it is all that is important to your life?
People are dying for pointless reasons and I get he feeling that a good number of us don't care even half as much as we claim. All because it doesn't directly impact ourselves. What would it take for us to stop taking everything for granted or to think that we deserve things "just cause" of "xyz". Maybe if we put more effort into those around us, we would not end up feeling so alone, sad, or bitter.
Frustrations stand to mount from feelings of negativity, and without stopping it, they will overflow in some manner small or large and ugly. It could be something simple or large and blind to just exactly how we are making others feel. Thus does the cycle spread and repeat.
What do you value most in life? Yourself? One person? or perhaps those who are willing to give others a chance to work things out?
Do you take responsibility for your actions?
Do you seek others for help with your issues to find peaceful solutions?
Or do you seek to blame others for your own behavior?
Choices choices... we are always making them, even when we feel like we have no choice, for there always is a choice.
Rein in your impulses and keep a level head. For none of us know jus how far reaching our actions could be through the years.
Minimize your regrets by seeking a way to go about things in a positive manner, for it would help things to go much more smoothly.
There is always a reason for things that happen even if not apparent at first, but without knowing the chain of events, you can only ever judge a book by its cover.
I don't know why either you even bother wasting your time on me? Are you that bored and hopeless??? Are you that repulsive you like to shove it on others? Are you so afraid you would take the cowards way out? Taking the easy way rather than actually trying to deal with and resolve a problem?
You still don't get it. You seem to only treat others like tools. If they don't agree and bow to you, then they are your enemy. Because that is exactly how you continue to present yourself.
will there ever be a Linux version? I've heard really good things from friends and have been wanting to read for a while but only have a chrome book and iPhone
I played the full version of Komorebi on Steam, and I have to admit that it's a really good game. The characters are well structured and characterised, the drawings are beautiful as are the voices chosen to give voice to the characters. Personally, one thing that I'm a bit sorry about and that we don't know what Delta looks like, I would have liked to be able to see Delta's appearance sometime, another thing I would have liked and maybe add some animated or non-animated images that would better show certain situations
Life is all about a little Give and Take. What makes it bearable is being able to share life and support others. Sometimes that may even be a complete stranger.
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most ppl here prob came from kwite twitch/youtube
The amount of called out I feel is incomprehensible
【about VN with voice】
This VN is the first audio VN I have experienced, and I think it is a highlight. But in the subsequent experience, I found that it also has an obvious drawback, which is that for long conversations, I often finish reading but the other person hasn't finished speaking. As a result, I watched many conversations without waiting for the other person to finish speaking. But this seems a bit disrespectful to the character.
I think in order to reduce costs and improve the reader experience, it is better to only record the first few key sentences in the conversation and highlight exclamation , rather than recording all sentences. Otherwise, the quickly reading advantage of VN will be compromised.
【about Dialogue and Interaction】
The dialogue style between the MC(Delta) and other characters is not the same: others' sentences are with quotes, while MC's often in a third perspective like "I told the other person what I said", rather than directly using quotes to indicate what the MC said. Using this style of dialogue makes me detached to the MC, and I feel confused because it's hard to distinguish between my inner thoughts and the thoughts I have expressed. Also, the interaction between characters is often dominated by dialogue, lacking an appropriate portion of description of actions and events.
【About Character Shaping】--Spoiler--
Apart from the main six roles, the counselor and Argus leader, there are no other people's image displays. It seems that the life circle of the MC is so concentrated, and other roles have no image.
Among them, I am most satisfied with the counselor, and conversations with him always make me feel relaxed. But with others, I always feel that their lives seems to have nothing to do with me, except when they interact with me intimately.
Breaking down the plot into fragments of 'pivotal', 'heart to heart', and 'supplementary' seems odd to me. A good narrative should integrate the shaping of characters into whole events and discussions, and the fragmental dialogues all feel too short to have substantive results.
Also, many fragments are just showing how characters bicker with each other, and sometimes even accelerating to certain themes to help readers summarize. I think this weakens readers' freedom of interpretation.
【about Music and Illustrations】
Many scenes are obviously with serious discussions or urgent plots, but the use of inappropriate music, such as overly relaxed music right before the Day, hardly gives me the sense of urgency or the upcoming danger.
Though, the credits ending song "Flashback", created by Klace, is great and can make players feel like they have experienced a lot.
The entire game is a reflection of a "revolution" for future people. So, it seems that from this perspective, no matter how difficult and dangerous the past may have been, it will eventually become agreeble? But this makes me feel not right in those moments.
Many pivotal scenes lack CG, and as a high priced VN, I am disappointed with this: the background stories of the main characters do not have any CGs, and there is no CG before and after the success of the revolution. There are also no corresponding illustrations when describing and introducing the history of Argus, leaving all this to reader's imagination.
For example, to understand how Issac, as a revolutionary, has put in a lot of effort, but there has been none illustration showing how he specifically grew into a rebel. All his story simply relys on a few dialogues of his description. Perhaps this is due to the setting of the VN, as all of these are memories of MC, so there won't be any other background stories interspersed? And considering that the stories narrated by others may contain subjective concealment elements, the author hopes that we can remain vigilant?
Regardless of the author's considerations, the lack of key plot CG and illustrations of other timeline's background weakens the VN's sense of moment and empathy with the characters.
【about the storyline】-- Spoiler--
When faced with danger, I cannot understand why the main characters can still relax and have fun, parties, and drinks. Since they were a team, they could have done some division of labor of their mission, like information gathering. But in the end, Issac was able to easily topple Argus down alone, and the whole job was almost entirely operated by Issac, which seems way TOO EASY. I think others (including MC) were very passive in the final plot, and their roles were shown almost only after Issac was injured.
I do not reject stories of individual heroism, but I think the author didn't tell it well. The part of conflicts between Issac and Argus is too short, and I thought Argus would fight back more but there's almost none before the Day. It is obvious that Issac did not gather a group of "accomplice" with firm revolutionary beliefs. He had a wishful thinking - he wanted to maintain friendship outside the revolutionary circle and also wanted the revolution to succeed. His sudden idea of 'letting his friends in his rebel plan' may actually make him fail both wishes.
The final plot, discussing how to handle the stolen Argus confidential data, did not explain why there were no pursuers. And the key logical issue is that : Since they have already bluffed to Argus' people that 'they have already transmitted the data to Cipher's headquarters', which makes Argus have enough reason to pursue Isaac and others , why destroying the only hard drive? Wouldn't they lose the only bargaining chip should things go south?
Being afraid of data leak out of fear of possible future vision punishment is a lack of confidence in their sense of justice for their actions.
As Klace said, revealing secrets in Argus's data may even solve the Komorebi mystery! Moreover, these people have already exposed their identities and the hacking process has been live streamed. It's better to go all out to the end!
Perhaps this is the price that Issac needs to pay. Since he cares more about the sense of belonging of his friends around him THAN about the complete success of the revolution.
【 About Background Setting】-- Spoiler --
I have to admit, one big attraction of this work to me is that it doesn't require me to comply with monogamy.
The setting that most people have visions of their possible futures, but the MC doesn't have one.
But later on, it was mentioned that in order to control people's panic, The System that monitors and manages people's lives and the large group Argus that controls it emerged. I feel that this causality is weak! If there could be more explanation, the credibility may be higher.
Another theme worth reading is "equality": those who are not in cities managed by the Argus are called "Zeros", and they cannot enjoy the status treatment of residents in the city. The description of the change of the MCs' attitude towards them is good, which deserves credits.
No new stuff? I'm...a bit saddened by this.
How do I download this
you cant as of right now
Ok thanks
I got it when launched they had 1st chapter for free in Itch. I really like the story because did me think of society and others things.
A pity they removed the demo. I wouldn't never thought about buy it if I didn't played it from here, since Minor\Major did me feel sad. In other way that was 1st furry visual novel launched in Google Play store years ago.
Just got Winds of Change in 80% sale there anyway right now.
This game is very good, you guys truly know how to make someone become attached to characters they've only known for a day at best, I never thought this game would make me feel so many things all at once.
Even though romance isn't too prevalent in the story, it's was still worth playing :D
P.S: I really liked the song "flashback" at the end, I'm gonna play it over and over for WEEKS.
I think maybe there could be some improvements when it comes to the main characters involvement in the story, to be honest I didn't feel like Delta was important to the story. It felt like we were simply watching what the others were doing, and not really contributing too much.
holy shit i geniunely thought this would be normal dating sim but i guess not holy moly fragment map 3 and 4 got me on a chokehold
Hi, so after playing through the game I thought I’d leave a review of my honest thoughts.
*SPOILERS* + a long review :)
I can say that the personalities and art of the characters are incredible, I loved each and every one of them for different reasons, seeing them interact at times was awesome and it felt like they really were a group of close knit friends.
However, saying that… it felt like our character ‘Delta’ wasn’t apart of that group. Aside from a few plot points that was automatically made… our character is completely irrelevant, for pretty much the majority of the story we’re kind of just… there, listening to the others with the occasional choice option to reply to an offhanded comment. It becomes especially noticeable when there’s entire “fragments” (scenes / episodes etc) where our MC isn’t even mentioned, so by part three it becomes hard to feel attached to Delta, and by extension the story as a whole.
A further issue is Klace, who, as a stand alone character is great, I genuinely adore him. But when compared with our character… it quickly feels like *he* is the main character, not us. Similar to us, they are new to the “group” and have just moved in, and yet… within a single week they’ve interacted with the group more than our character does in maybe the entire game, they quickly establish themselves, there background and much more (which we seem to never do?) and even sleep with one of the other characters, as the story progressed it really does reinforce the idea that “Delta” is just a background character.
(As I’m writing this I’m realising our character… rarely explains *anything* about ourselves to the group other than vague descriptions, we’re practically a silent stranger)
My last issue, The Romance.
I’ll say it bluntly, the Romance is extremely lacking, but *only* if you decide to be monogamous, which quickly shows that either intentionally or not… our character is supposed to be in a poly with at-least two or more other characters.
There are four different parts with 20+ different “fragments” and yet… unless in a poly relationship your romance scenes with a single person boil down to maybe an added “40” lines of dialogue per part. For example; ‘Isaac’, you can date him almost immediately and yet you can finish part two with only a handful of additional scenes from the normal story, it’s rarely brought up by other characters and only seems to be “added on” to the normal story scenes.
With the way the characters consistently flirt with each other, talk about how ‘free’ you are or how they want to date others *while* you’re already dating *and* even sleep with each-other… it very quickly shows how “pushed” you are to make Delta polyamorous, I really think that it could have been fixed with just a few additional lines of dialogue here and there actually acknowledging you’re dating / starting a relationship with specific people, *Especially* at times when your “RO” is flirting or entertaining the idea of dating others / having sex with other, again for example Isaac and Klace, they have an entire “Boyfriend / Sugardaddy” joke and admit to sleeping with the other characters yet our MC doesn’t even have a *passing* thought about it, and this is a running theme with all romances.
All in all, I think others will (and do!) love this! I will always have a soft spot for Isaac and Kyron (Kicking my feet fr) However, for the things I’ve outlined I feel like this wasn’t something Ive enjoyed, I am VERY happy to have read it and supported the creator, I will always love VN’s, and thoroughly enjoyed other works by the same creator ❤️
Claim what you want, but your inability to let things go is what has kept this going. And you have no care for who drag through the mud with you. At this point you mat never be able to shake me. You know what you have done. You know you have broken things beyond repair. You know you have turned your back on the very messages of Komorebi. You know you have betrayed even yourself. You know you area coward. Here I stand, I stand up for myself, while all you do is hide. I hate sniveling cowards.
There can be no peace because you do not want peace. No admit it you want me to hate you. You see me as nothing but a toy for your own amusement.
Another question is, how long do want to keep this going? How much spite do you have? How lost are you in yourself?
The fact that I am getting any sort of response is what lets me know I am hitting my mark. The fact that you would disagree with even praise, let alone dare to make death threats, tells me you are someone who can't be trusted to honest at all.
I pride myself on being open and giving my thoughts. My opinions do not make me correct, but repeated observations stand to incline me to believe I am correct.
You do not believe in middle ground, you do not believe in apologies, you do not believe in letting things go, you do not believe in rules, laws, or regulations. To you all that matters is yourself.
The fact that you are willing to deface even Klace's music is what tells me you have no care nor comprehension for your actions. And I thought you claim to a degree in literature? So disappointing that you lack the ability to take a step back.
Round and round it seems we shall go, when we stop..., only you have the key.
Or do you simply get satisfaction from hurting others while pretending to do your job?
holy shit you wrote alot you good brodie
Ayo bro calm down, I have just witnessed 15 long message with a deep meaning plus some insult... some, and lastly when did you last time cook? No wait the main question is what is going on?! What did I actually miss here?!!
Those who feel threatened make threats
Those who are unhappy make others unhappy
Those who are irrational care not about who they hurt, nor consequences of their actions
Those who fear judgement are first to judge others
Toxic behavior is only ever endorsed or ignored by toxic supporters
Rather than be civil, they seek to shun others just cause, for they refuse to listen to reason and go off half cocked
And when you have a situation that is refused to be resolved, it will start to bleed everywhere
Even the smallest of wounds left unattended can be left to get infected, fester, and rot, and then it is everywhere.
In the initial event I apologized, they didn't care, I sought to drop it, they refused to drop it, I informed them that they are acting like the very stereotype that plagues the internet, they didn't care, they then gone out of their way to ruin the good names of several places through acts of cowardice, rather than address issues head on. What you see is nothing more than an endless struggle because they continue to perform their actions unimpeded, claiming themselves as the victim. Yet they are the ones going around and dragging the outside drama with them. Forcing their way into places and positions of power just to laugh at the thought of being able to deny others access just because they feel like it.
They continue to feel threatened, because they refuse to drop it, to let it go. Because they won't let it go, I am strung along with it. They hold the key but they snapped it in half.
When one wonders where hate spreads from, it comes from actions, repeated senseless actions. This induvial is only one of many I have seen over the years, of their given identity type alone, that behaves in this manner. I have met several others online with similar dreadful interactions with such people. I have had family accused of things that have nothing to deal with who they are. Transgenders seem to seek to use their own identifier as a weapon, a bludgeoning weapon, to repeated smack any and all who dare to defy them, and they then sick their posses on them. This is an act of gang violence/mentality, when their own followers do not have the ability to think for themselves.
This is also the same mentality of many a Republican, who follow and believe things they are told without question of hesitation. It is ironic to have two opposing sides to behave in the exact same manner. Because of that, no progress can EVER be made that has meaning. It only ever stands to bleed further everywhere. There is no sense of calm or control.
People only ever see and judge based on symptoms and judging things by their cover. If both sides can't agree to a ceasefire, there will NEVER be a ceasefire.
I would rather approach things with fairness and kindness, but people seem to enjoy brutally murdering common decency. And then go and seek to blame their own behavior on everyone else. I've sought and asked for help to put an end to this situation for MONTHS. But no one cares. Because no one cares for such extended period of time. I have no reason left to give a damn what anyone else thinks. All you are left is a situation continuing to spiral out of control without end. It is maddening and sickening. And at his point it is simply being made known just how much without care or caution. It is a vertebral river of blood. And that is what these sorts of people seem to love and crave.
With lacking of impulse control or restraint, even my patience has been worn to shreds. Things have progressed to a point where the damage may NEVER be able to be healed. Such damage has their actions gone to tarnish my thoughts of many others. This discord is their lifeblood, to create an unending drama.
Nobody is reading these essays to the fullest.
Whatever message your trying to deliver isn't going through.
It would be more productive of you to go outside and touch some grass, maybe take your rants to reddit where you basement dwellers can duke it out for people to watch and enjoy your shit show, yeah?
I mean as fun as it is watching a train wreak, this is kinda pitiful to watch too.
I think a-lot of people would appreciate it if you went through a few of your comments and removed them? As it is now you've made 7...? (or more) comments that have pushed other genuine reviews further down, it's really quite rude to both other fans and the author since you're seemingly just using the top comments to rant to yourself.
I'm sorry, but I don't recall for your rudeness.
Oh wait I'm out of sorries, better focus on yourself now!
No fucks left to give for those who give no fucks!
Try again sometime after some more education!
I think this guy is way too insane and inane to listen sadly :(
its been like 3 months are you okay dude??? what caused you to write so much here??
How many people have you know personally who have died? Almost died? Been the victim of neglect or abuse?
How many people out there have you not met yet, that you wish you could have met?
How many people do you truly value or treasure?
In all cases was there something you could have done to help prevent it?
The answer is always yes, because the question is not asking for a guarantee. There is ALWAYS something to be done to prevent things.
Yet many of us go forth blindly to blame others for own neglect and lack of awareness for the world around us. Lack of consideration for the time and value we try to invest into things and into others. Lack of respect for how our actions make others feel or how it makes us think of how we view others.
What good does it do anyone to force our will onto others just because of petty disagreements? To refuse to let go of something and in turn to hold ourselves and others back? To refuse to listen and take heed, but rather fixate on one little thing like it is all that is important to your life?
People are dying for pointless reasons and I get he feeling that a good number of us don't care even half as much as we claim. All because it doesn't directly impact ourselves. What would it take for us to stop taking everything for granted or to think that we deserve things "just cause" of "xyz". Maybe if we put more effort into those around us, we would not end up feeling so alone, sad, or bitter.
Frustrations stand to mount from feelings of negativity, and without stopping it, they will overflow in some manner small or large and ugly. It could be something simple or large and blind to just exactly how we are making others feel. Thus does the cycle spread and repeat.
What do you value most in life? Yourself? One person? or perhaps those who are willing to give others a chance to work things out?
Do you take responsibility for your actions?
Do you seek others for help with your issues to find peaceful solutions?
Or do you seek to blame others for your own behavior?
Choices choices... we are always making them, even when we feel like we have no choice, for there always is a choice.
Rein in your impulses and keep a level head. For none of us know jus how far reaching our actions could be through the years.
Minimize your regrets by seeking a way to go about things in a positive manner, for it would help things to go much more smoothly.
There is always a reason for things that happen even if not apparent at first, but without knowing the chain of events, you can only ever judge a book by its cover.
I don't know why either you even bother wasting your time on me? Are you that bored and hopeless??? Are you that repulsive you like to shove it on others? Are you so afraid you would take the cowards way out? Taking the easy way rather than actually trying to deal with and resolve a problem?
You still don't get it. You seem to only treat others like tools. If they don't agree and bow to you, then they are your enemy. Because that is exactly how you continue to present yourself.
(because I have no good/better options :/)
Wow Azzy I didn't realize you hate femboys in addition to logic and moral compass!
To Ban me from a Server when you hate its owner and think their music is trash?
Why else would you downvote something positive?
i have a quick question
will there ever be a Linux version? I've heard really good things from friends and have been wanting to read for a while but only have a chrome book and iPhone
There was one issue with the steam version though... I clearly romanced Isaac at some point after the first HtH, but the achievement did not trigger.
This isn't so bad since I missed some for the optional achievements anyways, so gives me good reason to play again
I feel like it be very important for anyone to play this game.
Many of its messages are ones I identify with, though sometimes one message can screw another one.
But its all about learning to know which one applies more and when.
But that is a matter of life experience.
Life is all about a little Give and Take. What makes it bearable is being able to share life and support others. Sometimes that may even be a complete stranger.